From Wildlands to Hearth

Humming in the guy wires that stabilize our wind turbine, the southwest gale today is coldly insidious. It seeps in any less insulated seam or crack in the siding and up through the floor. Slippers are a good thing! But the best of all is our cast iron woodstove, come to our little Uganik Bay home all the way from spending 40 years with Tollef’s grandparents in northern Minnesota. Traveling by truck, barge, fishing boat, 4-wheeler, then….

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Adelia Myrick
Valentine Salmon Soup

In the spirit of giving, to each other and to our bodies, we have a soul warming recipe that we’re calling Valentine Salmon Soup, a variation of Hungarian Salmon Soup, a recipe found in many old Alaska cookbooks.

Since we owe our union to these fish that brought us together in the first place -

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Adelia Myrick